俄亥俄州 13 个高速公路站点安装了新的警报系统,以提醒驾驶员注意交通缓慢/停止,旨在减少追尾事故。 New warning systems installing at 13 Ohio highway sites to alert drivers of slow/stopped traffic, aiming to reduce rear-end crashes.
为了减少俄亥俄州高速公路上的追尾事故,正在高拥堵、高事故区域的 13 个高速公路站点安装新的警报系统。 In an effort to reduce rear-end crashes on Ohio highways, new warning systems are being installed at 13 highway sites in high-congestion, high-crash areas. 这些系统将检测缓慢或停止的交通,并触发几英里外的留言板来提醒驾驶员。 These systems will detect slow or stopped traffic and trigger a message board a few miles away to alert drivers. 该技术将在未来两年内在高速公路上实施。 This technology will be implemented on highways within the next two years.