孟买印第安人女子板球队的目标是在即将到来的第二个赛季复制她们在 WPL 夺冠的表现。 Mumbai Indians Women's cricket team aims to replicate their WPL title-winning performance in the upcoming second season.
孟买印第安人队队长哈曼普里特·考尔表示,球队“只想做去年所做的事情”,指的是他们在首届女子超级联赛 (WPL) 中夺冠的经历。 Mumbai Indians skipper Harmanpreet Kaur has said that the team "just want to do what we did last year," referring to their title-winning campaign in the inaugural Women's Premier League (WPL). 该团队相信遵循简单的原则,例如享受板球比赛并赋予球员明确的角色。 The team believes in following simple principles like enjoying their cricket and giving players clear roles. WPL第二赛季将在班加罗尔和新德里进行两回合比赛。 The second season of the WPL will be played in two legs in Bengaluru and New Delhi.