失踪的冰水手、64 岁的 Daniel Robichaud,最后一次出现是在新不伦瑞克省希迪亚克湾;皇家骑警、JRCC 和其他机构正在进行搜寻工作。 Missing ice sailor, 64-year-old Daniel Robichaud, last seen in Shediac Bay, New Brunswick; search efforts ongoing with RCMP, JRCC, and others.
周四,搜救队继续寻找 64 岁的冰水手丹尼尔·罗比乔 (Daniel Robichaud),他于周三下午在新斯科舍省希迪亚克湾地区失踪。 On Thursday, search teams continued to look for a 64-year-old ice sailor, Daniel Robichaud, who went missing in the Shediac Bay, N.B., area on Wednesday afternoon. 罗比乔最后一次出现是在新不伦瑞克省大迪格岛的马丁街岸边,据信当时正在希迪亚克岛和大迪格岛地区航行。 Robichaud was last seen on the shore of Martin Street in Grand-Digue, New Brunswick, and believed to be sailing in the Shediac Island and Grand-Digue area. 加拿大皇家骑警(RCMP)和其他几个组织,包括哈利法克斯联合救援协调中心,一直积极参与搜寻工作。 The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and several other organizations, including the Joint Rescue Coordination Centre in Halifax, have been actively involved in the search effort.