众议院情报委员会官员对俄罗斯新的“太空威胁”发出警报。 House Intelligence Committee officials sound alarm about new Russian ‘space threat’.
众议院情报委员会主席迈克·特纳对未具体说明的“严重国家安全威胁”表示担忧。 House Intelligence Committee Chairman, Mike Turner, has expressed concern over an unspecified "serious national security threat". 特纳呼吁拜登总统解密的这一威胁是根据监视法第 702 条确定的,据称与俄罗斯和太空行动有关。 The threat, which Turner has called for President Biden to declassify, has been identified using Section 702 of the surveillance law and is allegedly related to Russia and operations in space. 拜登政府将就此事与国会领导人举行简报会,威胁的披露对于确定适当的应对措施可能至关重要。 The Biden administration is set to hold a briefing with congressional leaders on the matter, and the threat's disclosure may be essential for determining the appropriate response.