堪萨斯城皇家队最终确定了新球场的位置。 Kansas City Royals finalized location for new ballpark.
堪萨斯城皇家队已经确定了新球场的位置,将于周二下午 2:30 公布。在考夫曼体育场。 The Kansas City Royals have finalized the location for their new ballpark, which will be announced on Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. at Kauffman Stadium. 演示文稿将包括效果图、经济数据、租赁进展和社区福利协议。 The presentation will include renderings, economic data, progress on a lease, and community benefits agreement. 杰克逊县立法机构此前批准延长现有的 3/8 美分销售税,为酋长队和皇家队提供资金。 The Jackson County legislature previously approved an extension of the existing 3/8-cent sales tax, providing funding for both the Chiefs and the Royals. 出席活动的嘉宾包括皇家队、Populous、堪萨斯城体育委员会和黑人联盟棒球博物馆的代表。 Presenters at the event will include representatives from the Royals, Populous, the Kansas City Sports Commission, and the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum.