贾斯汀·杰斐逊寻求澄清维京人队四分卫的情况。 Justin Jefferson seeks clarity on Vikings' QB situation.
明星明尼苏达维京人队外接手贾斯汀·杰弗森在签署新合同之前正在寻求澄清球队四分卫的情况。 Star Minnesota Vikings wide receiver Justin Jefferson is seeking clarity on the team's quarterback situation before signing a new contract. 据报道,维京人队正在考虑签下一名经验丰富的自由球员四分卫,或者选秀像前密歇根球星 J.J.如果现任四分卫柯克·考辛斯以自由球员身份离开,麦卡锡将作为一个应急计划。 The Vikings are reportedly considering signing a veteran free agent quarterback or drafting a prospect like former Michigan star J.J. McCarthy as a contingency plan if current quarterback Kirk Cousins leaves in free agency. 考辛斯正在从严重的跟腱伤势中恢复,而杰弗森是考辛斯的坚定支持者。 Cousins is recovering from a significant Achilles injury, and Jefferson is a strong supporter of Cousins. 为了让他们的明星球员满意并保持季后赛的生存能力,维京人队需要解决他们的四分卫位置问题。 To keep their star player content and maintain their playoff viability, the Vikings will need to address their quarterback position.