在 ITC 拒绝对锡厂产品征收反倾销税后,Cleveland-Cliffs 于 4 月关闭了西弗吉尼亚州韦尔顿马口铁生产厂,影响了 900 名员工。 Cleveland-Cliffs shuts down Weirton, West Virginia tinplate production plant in April, affecting 900 employees after ITC rejects anti-dumping duties on tin mill products.
美国铁矿石开采和球团公司 Cleveland-Cliffs 宣布,将从 4 月开始无限期闲置位于西弗吉尼亚州威尔顿的马口铁生产工厂。 Cleveland-Cliffs, an American iron ore mining and pelletizing company, announced that it will indefinitely idle its tinplate production plant located in Weirton, West Virginia starting in April. 这一决定是在国际贸易委员会(ITC)一致拒绝商务部决定对锡厂产品征收反倾销和反补贴税之后作出的。 This decision comes after the International Trade Commission (ITC) unanimously rejected the implementation of anti-dumping and countervailing duties on tin mill products determined by the Department of Commerce. 因此,大约 900 名员工将被解雇或获得搬迁至 Cliffs 其他设施的机会和/或遣散费。 As a result, approximately 900 employees will be laid off or offered relocation opportunities to other Cliffs' facilities and/or severance packages.