俄罗斯航空当局正在调查几架飞机的失踪事件。 Russian aircraft authorities investigate disappearance of several aircrafts.
俄罗斯飞机当局正在调查几架飞机的失踪事件,其中一些飞机最终落入乌克兰军队手中。 Russian aircraft authorities are investigating the disappearance of several aircraft, some of which ended up in the hands of Ukrainian forces. 俄罗斯联邦安全局正在调查有关莫斯科联邦航空运输局向包括俄罗斯领导的欧亚经济联盟以外国家在内的国家派遣俄罗斯民用飞机和直升机的指控。 The FSB is looking into allegations that Moscow's Federal Air Transport Agency sent Russian civil aircraft and helicopters to nations including outside the Russian-led Eurasian Economic Union. 在被注销的 59 架飞机中,有 36 架销往国外,其中 8 架销往未具名的“不友好”国家。 Of the 59 aircraft de-registered, 36 were sold abroad, with eight going to unnamed "unfriendly" countries.