南加州的 NORMS 餐厅提供免费薄饼。 Southern California's NORMS restaurant offers free hotcakes.
南加州连锁餐厅 NORMS 将于 2 月 13 日参加全国煎饼日庆祝活动,提供其招牌薄饼,而不是免费的煎饼。 Southern California restaurant chain, NORMS, is joining the National Pancake Day celebration on February 13, offering its signature hotcakes instead of a free stack of pancakes. NORMS 鼓励食客尝试他们的煎饼,并解决煎饼与煎饼的争论。 NORMS encourages diners to try their hotcakes and settle the pancake vs. hotcake debate. 要获得免费的煎饼,顾客必须下载 NORMS 应用程序并成为忠诚会员。 To receive a free stack of hotcakes, customers must download the NORMS app and become a loyalty member. 与此同时,IHOP 在全国煎饼日当天免费赠送煎饼,通过其“捐赠月”倡议为“喂养美国”筹集资金。 Meanwhile, IHOP is giving away free pancakes on the same day for National Pancake Day, raising funds for Feeding America through its "Month of Giving" initiative.