尽管约瑟夫·劳森截瘫,但法官将克里斯托·罗杰斯案中的保释金从 50 万美元减少到 25 万美元。 Judge reduces Joseph Lawson's bond in Crystal Rogers case from $500,000 to $250,000, despite his paraplegic condition.
法官将克里斯托·罗杰斯案嫌疑人约瑟夫·劳森的保释金从 50 万美元减少到 25 万美元。 A judge has reduced the bond for Joseph Lawson, a suspect in the Crystal Rogers case, from $500,000 to $250,000. 劳森、他的父亲史蒂文·劳森和前男友布鲁克斯·霍克被指控与罗杰斯的死亡有关。 Lawson, along with his father Steven Lawson and former boyfriend Brooks Houck, were charged in connection to Rogers' death. 尽管他患有截瘫,但减少的保释金仍可确保他出庭。 The reduced bond still ensures his court appearance, despite his paraplegic condition. Houck 的 1000 万美元债券保持不变。 Houck's $10 million bond remains unchanged.