德克萨斯州休斯顿莱克伍德教堂的枪击事件得到解决。 Active shooter situation resolved at Lakewood Church, Houston, Texas.
莱克伍德教堂发生枪击事件,这是德克萨斯州休斯顿的一座大型教堂,由名人牧师乔尔·欧斯汀管理。 A shooting occurred at Lakewood Church, a megachurch in Houston, Texas, run by celebrity pastor Joel Osteen. 教堂报告称,现场出现枪击事件,警察和代表正在赶赴现场。 The church reported an active situation involving shots fired, with police and deputies responding to the scene. 当局后来宣布,一名可能的枪手已被击落,很可能是被一名副手开枪打死的。 Authorities later announced that a possible shooter was down, likely shot by a deputy. 该教堂是美国第三大教堂,每周有 45,000 人参加礼拜。 The church is the third largest in the US, with 45,000 people attending weekly services. 随着局势的发展,附近设立了一个团聚中心,供人们寻找亲人。 As the situation unfolded, a reunification center was set up nearby for people to find their loved ones.