29 岁的扎克·托马斯 (Zac Thomas) 赢得奥塔哥南区 FMG 年度青年农民奖,获得参加 7 月全国总决赛的资格。 29-yr-old Zac Thomas wins Otago Southland FMG Young Farmer of the Year, qualifying for the national grand final in July.
29 岁的羊、牛肉和耕种农民 Zac Thomas 荣获第 56 季奥塔哥南部 FMG 年度青年农民称号。 A 29-year-old sheep, beef, and arable farmer named Zac Thomas has been crowned the Season 56 Otago Southland FMG Young Farmer of the Year. 这场胜利使他有资格参加将于 7 月在汉密尔顿举行的年度青年农民总决赛。 This victory qualifies him to compete in the Young Farmer of the Year grand final, which will take place in Hamilton in July. 本次比赛是二月至四月期间在新西兰举行的七场地区决赛之一。 This competition is one of seven regional finals happening across New Zealand between February and April. 包括托马斯在内的参赛者在奥塔哥南地赛事中所面临的挑战都是保密的。 The challenges faced by the contestants, including Thomas, during the Otago Southland event were kept confidential.