塔塔集团旗下公司 Voltas 正在卡塔尔寻求印度政府帮助,以解决已完成项目的 75 亿卢比延迟付款问题。 Voltas, a Tata Group company, seeks Indian gov't help in Qatar over Rs 750 crore delayed payments for completed projects.
塔塔集团旗下公司 Voltas 在卡塔尔正面临严重的财务困难,由于应收账款和项目时间表延迟,约 75 亿卢比陷入困境。 Voltas, a Tata Group company, is experiencing significant financial difficulties in Qatar due to approximately Rs 750 crore being stuck as a result of delayed receivables and project timelines. 该公司已完成卡塔尔项目并移交,但工程完成后尚未付款。 The company has completed projects in Qatar and handed them over, but payments have not been made despite the completion of work. 沃尔塔斯已向印度政府寻求帮助,并联系了驻卡塔尔大使馆。 Voltas has reached out to the Indian government for assistance and also contacted the Embassy in Qatar.