动作片导演安托万·福卡将执导纪录片《麻烦制造者:曼德拉磁带背后的故事》,该片收录了未公开的曼德拉-麦克·马哈拉吉采访。 Action film director Antoine Fuqua to direct documentary "Troublemaker: The Story Behind The Mandela Tapes," featuring unreleased Mandela-Mac Maharaj interviews.
动作片导演安托万·福卡将执导一部名为《麻烦制造者:曼德拉磁带背后的故事》的纪录片,讲述了重新发现的南非前总统纳尔逊·曼德拉的采访。 Action film director Antoine Fuqua is set to direct a documentary titled "Troublemaker: The Story Behind The Mandela Tapes" about rediscovered interviews of former South African president Nelson Mandela. 这部纪录片将由 Lorton Entertainment、Apple TV+ 和 Disney+ 制作,将深入探讨曼德拉的韧性和内在力量,以及他用爱和宽恕带来改变的能力。 The documentary will be produced by Lorton Entertainment, Apple TV+, and Disney+ and will delve into Mandela's resilience and inner strength, as well as his ability to bring about change with love and forgiveness.