UFC 重量级冠军乔恩·琼斯拒绝了 UFC 300 的头条要约,这使得 UFC 必须在 4 月 13 日之前争取一场主赛事。 UFC heavyweight champ Jon Jones declined UFC 300 headlining offer, leaving UFC scrambling to secure a main event before April 13.
UFC重量级冠军乔恩·琼斯透露,他曾被邀请担任UFC 300的主角,但由于胸肌撕裂和最近的肘部手术正在恢复,他拒绝了这一邀请。 UFC heavyweight champion Jon Jones revealed that he was offered to headline UFC 300 but declined the offer due to his recovery from a torn pec and recent elbow surgery. 此次促销活动尚未宣布主赛,最初希望卫冕中量级冠军,或者康纳·麦格雷戈可能回归作为主赛。 The promotion, with no main event yet announced, initially hoped for a middleweight title defense or a potential return of Conor McGregor as the main event. 目前还不确定谁将成为 UFC 300 的主角,现在距离比赛只剩两个月了。 It remains uncertain who will headline UFC 300, now just two months away.