克拉彭化学袭击嫌疑人很可能“从切尔西桥跳入泰晤士河”。 Clapham chemical attack suspect likely ‘plunged from Chelsea Bridge into the Thames’.
警方认为,阿卜杜勒·埃泽迪据称用腐蚀性液体袭击了他的前伴侣和她的两个孩子,然后从切尔西桥跳入泰晤士河。 Police believe Abdul Ezedi plunged into the River Thames from Chelsea Bridge after allegedly attacking his former partner and her two children with a corrosive liquid. 伦敦警察厅利用闭路电视录像追踪了埃泽迪最后一次已知的活动地点是切尔西桥,最后一次看到他倚在栏杆上是在 31 日星期三晚上 11 点 30 分。 The Metropolitan Police have used CCTV footage to trace Ezedi's last known movements to Chelsea Bridge, where he was last seen leaning over the railings at 11.30pm on Wednesday the 31st. 低潮时河流的搜寻工作预计很快就会开始,但可能需要数月甚至可能无限期才能找到任何遗骸。 Efforts to search the river at low tide are expected to begin soon, but it may take months or possibly even indefinitely to recover any remains.