纽卡斯尔议会计划在议会预算的资助下,在 7 月份之前为东区超级跑车赛道添加永久性环岛、十字路口和安全改进设施。 Newcastle Council plans to add permanent roundabouts, crossings, and safety improvements to the East End Supercars track by July, with financing from council budgets.
纽卡斯尔议会计划在 7 月之前恢复东区超级跑车赛道沿线的永久性环岛和十字路口,纳税人将通过议会 2023-24 和 2024-25 预算承担费用。 Newcastle Council plans to reinstate permanent roundabouts and crossings along the East End Supercars track by July, with ratepayers covering the costs through the council's 2023-24 and 2024-25 budgets. 由于所有权的复杂性,该委员会还将单独解决诺比斯附近的肖特兰营地的修复问题。 The council will also address the remediation of Camp Shortland, near Nobbys, separately due to ownership complexities. 工作包括安装永久性高架人行横道、更新标牌和线路标记,以提高东区的安全性和可达性。 Work includes installing permanent raised pedestrian crossings, updated signage, and line marking to improve safety and accessibility in the East End.