新罕布什尔州水族馆的亚洲小爪水獭制作的 Ottergram 情人节礼物将在 2 月 19 日之前拍卖。 New Hampshire aquarium's Asian small-clawed otters create Ottergram Valentines for auction until Feb 19th.
新罕布什尔州水族馆的五只水獭正在通过创作 Ottergram Valentines 来庆祝情人节。 Five otters at a New Hampshire aquarium are celebrating Valentine's Day by creating Ottergram Valentines. Harry、Teddy、Peanut、Jelly 和 Saco 是亚洲小爪水獭,他们制作了 10 件独特的艺术品和 25 个 Ottergram。 Harry, Teddy, Peanut, Jelly, and Saco, who are Asian small-clawed otters, have crafted 10 unique pieces of art and 25 Ottergrams. 水獭爱好者第一次可以竞标这些画作,有可能拥有一幅。 For the first time, otter enthusiasts can bid on these paintings to potentially own one. 在线拍卖目前已开放并接受投标,截止时间为 2 月 19 日午夜。 An online auction is currently open and accepting bids until midnight on February 19th. 此外,个人还可以注册以获得赢得自己的 Ottergram 情人节的机会。 Additionally, individuals can register for a chance to win their own Ottergram Valentine.