由于 TMO 在第 71 分钟做出的未推翻的裁决,法国以微弱优势赢得了六国赛对阵苏格兰的比赛(20-16)。 France narrowly won the Six Nations game against Scotland (20-16) due to a non-overturned TMO ruling in the 71st minute.
在一场有争议的TMO(电视比赛官方)判罚后,法国在六国锦标赛中以微弱优势险胜苏格兰。 France narrowly secured a win over Scotland in the Six Nations tournament after a disputed late TMO (Television Match Official) call. 比赛最终以20-16法国队获胜,比赛进行到第71分钟,苏格兰队萨姆·斯金纳在穆雷菲尔德的最后一秒射门被挡出,最终决定胜负。 The game concluded with a 20-16 victory for France, which was decided in the 71st minute when Scotland's Sam Skinner was denied a last-second try at Murrayfield. TMO布莱恩·麦克尼斯(Brian MacNeice)没有找到确凿的证据来推翻裁判关于斯金纳被扣留的决定,导致苏格兰队感到沮丧和困惑。 The TMO, Brian MacNeice, did not find conclusive evidence to overturn the referee's decision that Skinner was held up, leading to Scotland's frustration and confusion.