里普利堡男子托尼·詹姆斯·麦克莱兰 (Tony James McClelland) 承认肇事逃逸致妻子安吉拉 (Angela) 死亡罪名,并承认在酒精影响下犯有过失刑事车辆杀人罪,面临最高 10 年监禁。 Fort Ripley man Tony James McClelland pleaded guilty to hit-and-run death of wife Angela, admitting to negligent criminal vehicular homicide under alcohol influence, facing up to 10 years imprisonment.
里普利堡男子托尼·詹姆斯·麦克莱兰承认对其妻子安吉拉·玛丽·麦克莱兰肇事逃逸致死。 Fort Ripley man, Tony James McClelland, has pleaded guilty to the hit-and-run death of his wife, Angela Marie McClelland. 事件发生在里普利堡镇 371 号高速公路附近的临街道路上。 The incident took place on a frontage road near Highway 371 in Fort Ripley Township. 麦克莱兰承认在酒精影响下犯有过失车辆刑事杀人罪,最高可判处 10 年监禁或最高 20,000 美元的罚款。 McClelland admitted guilt to criminal vehicular homicide with negligence while under the influence of alcohol, which carries a maximum sentence of 10 years imprisonment or a fine of up to $20,000. 他将于 4 月 10 日在克劳温县地方法院被判刑。 He is set to be sentenced on April 10th in Crow Wing County District Court.