凡妮莎·伍德菲尔德(米歇尔·哈德威克饰)时隔 14 个月重返《爱默代尔》肥皂剧,与最好的朋友罗娜争夺监护权,重新点燃故事情节。 Vanessa Woodfield (Michelle Hardwick) returns to Emmerdale soap after 14 months, reigniting storyline with best friend Rhona in a custody battle.
由女演员米歇尔·哈德威克饰演的艾默代尔肥皂剧角色凡妮莎·伍德菲尔德在缺席 14 个月后重返剧组。 Emmerdale soap opera character Vanessa Woodfield, played by actress Michelle Hardwick, has returned to the show after an absence of 14 months. 她的复出是故事情节的一部分,故事情节涉及她最好的朋友罗娜,罗娜正在与前夫处理女儿的监护权之争。 Her comeback is part of a storyline involving her best friend, Rhona, who is dealing with a custody battle over her daughter with her ex-husband. 出人意料的回归让粉丝们感到惊讶,一些人猜测瓦妮莎和玛丽·戈斯科克和苏西·默顿等其他角色之间可能存在浪漫关系。 The unexpected return has surprised fans, with some speculating on possible romantic connections between Vanessa and other characters, such as Mary Goskirk and Suzy Merton.