在田纳西州格林县分别发现两具尸体,一男一女;没有造成公共危险,TBI加入调查。 Two bodies, one male and one female, found separately in Greene County, Tennessee; no public danger, TBI joining investigation.
格林县发现了两具尸体,周四在乔克托大道 (Choctaw Drive) 的一所房子里发现了一具死去的女性,周五在附近的树林里发现了一名死去的男性。 Two bodies were found in Greene County, with a deceased female discovered in a home on Choctaw Drive on Thursday, and a deceased male found in a wooded area nearby on Friday. 两具尸体已被送往尸检,调查正在进行中。 Both bodies have been sent for autopsies, and the investigation is ongoing. 当局表示,目前公众不存在危险。 The authorities have stated that there is no current danger to the public.