一名妇女掉入家外 25 英尺深的天坑中。 A woman fell into 25-foot sinkhole outside her home.
周四,一名妇女在加利福尼亚州丰塔纳的活动房屋外 25 英尺深的天坑中被救出。 A woman was rescued from a 25-foot deep sinkhole outside her mobile home in Fontana, California, on Thursday. 紧急救援人员接到有关一名妇女掉入天坑的电话后赶到了现场。 Emergency crews responded to the scene after receiving a call about a woman falling into the sinkhole. 这名 40 岁的妇女与急救人员进行了交谈,他们花了大约两个小时才制定出安全的撤离方法。 The woman, a 40-year-old, was able to talk to first responders, and it took them approximately two hours to develop a safe extraction method. 她最终被救出并被送往当地医院进行评估。 She was ultimately rescued and taken to a local hospital for evaluation. 后来确定这个天坑是一个旧的、未使用的化粪池。 The sinkhole was later determined to be an old, unused septic tank.