一名女子在伊斯顿镇中心被刺多刀,可能与雅乐轩酒店现场有关;情况不明,调查正在进行中。 Woman stabbed multiple times at Easton Town Center, potentially connected to Aloft hotels scene; condition unknown, investigation ongoing.
周五,一名妇女在伊斯顿市中心地区被刺多刀,被送往医院。 On Friday, a woman was hospitalized after being stabbed multiple times in the Easton Town Center area. 她被送往卡梅尔山东医院,但她的情况仍不清楚。 She was transported to Mount Carmel East hospital, but her condition remains unknown. 据信该事件与布莱顿玫瑰路雅乐轩酒店发生的一幕有关,调查正在进行中。 The incident is believed to be related to a scene at Aloft hotels on Brighton Rose Way, and the investigation is ongoing. 目前尚无可疑信息。 No suspect information is available at this time.