西密歇根州的马匹的勒颈病检测呈阳性。 West Michigan horses tested positive for Strangles.
西密歇根州的两匹马的勒颈病检测呈阳性,这是一种高度传染性的疾病。 Two horses in West Michigan have tested positive for Strangles, a highly contagious disease. 这些马匹已被隔离并正在接受治疗。 The horses are in quarantine and are receiving treatment. 勒颈病是由马链球菌引起的,可以通过与其他马的直接接触或受污染的表面传播。 Strangles is caused by Streptococcus equi bacteria and can spread through direct contact with other horses or contaminated surfaces. 马主需要保持警惕并采取良好的生物安全措施以防止这种疾病的传播。 Horse owners need to be vigilant and practice good biosecurity measures to prevent the spread of this disease.