前克利夫兰县副县长沃恩·坎农 (Vaughn Cannon) 对 2023 年 8 月在家庭纠纷中谋杀妻子、副县长乔丹·派尔 (Jordan Pyle) 的罪行表示不认罪;审判定于5月6日进行。 Former Cleveland County deputy Vaughn Cannon pleaded not guilty to murdering his wife, fellow deputy Jordan Pyle, in a domestic dispute in August 2023; trial set for May 6th.
前克利夫兰县副县长沃恩·坎农 (Vaughn Cannon) 对谋杀他的妻子乔丹·派尔 (Jordan Pyle) 表示无罪。 Former Cleveland County deputy Vaughn Cannon has pleaded not guilty to the murder of his wife, Jordan Pyle, who was also a deputy. 该事件发生在 2023 年 8 月的一场家庭纠纷期间,坎农目前正在等待审判,审判时间定于 5 月 6 日。 The incident occurred during a domestic dispute in August 2023, and Cannon is currently awaiting trial, scheduled for May 6th. 这对夫妇的关系很混乱,派尔于 2021 年提出离婚,但后来被驳回。 The couple had a tumultuous relationship, with Pyle filing for divorce in 2021, which was later dismissed. 俄克拉荷马州的家庭暴力发生率很高,特别是在谋杀方面。 Oklahoma has a high rate of domestic violence, particularly in the context of murder.