演员比尔·奈伊和罗曼·格里芬·戴维斯主演了摩根·马修斯的《500英里》,这是一部关于家庭团聚的公路电影,少年和他的兄弟寻找疏远的爱尔兰祖父。 Actors Bill Nighy and Roman Griffin Davis star in Morgan Matthews' "500 Miles," a road movie about a family reunion as a teenager and his brother seek their estranged Irish grandfather.
比尔·奈伊和因《乔乔兔》中的角色而闻名的罗曼·格里芬·戴维斯将主演摩根·马修斯执导的公路电影《500 英里》。 Bill Nighy and Roman Griffin Davis, known for his role in "Jojo Rabbit", are set to star in a road movie directed by Morgan Matthews, titled "500 Miles". 这部电影将在欧洲电影市场上映,讲述了一个青少年和他的兄弟逃到爱尔兰寻找他们疏远的祖父时,一个破碎的家庭被迫团聚的故事。 The film, which will be launched at the European Film Market, follows a broken family forced to come together when a teenager and his brother run away to find their estranged grandfather in Ireland.