演员扎克·埃夫隆将在根据布莱克·克劳奇的小说改编的惊悚片《名声大噪》中同时扮演痴迷于名誉的兰斯·邓克奎斯特和好莱坞明星詹姆斯·詹森。 Actor Zac Efron to play dual roles as fame-obsessed Lance Dunkquist and Hollywood star James Jansen in thriller "Famous," based on Blake Crouch's novel.
扎克·埃夫隆将在即将上映的惊悚片《名声大噪》中扮演双重角色,该片改编自布莱克·克劳奇的小说。 Zac Efron will play dual roles in the upcoming thriller "Famous," based on a novel by Blake Crouch. 这部电影由乔迪·希尔执导,萨姆·埃斯梅尔担任制片人,讲述了兰斯·邓克奎斯特的故事,兰斯·邓奎斯特是一个痴迷于名誉的男人,长得像好莱坞明星詹姆斯·詹森。 The film, set to be directed by Jody Hill and produced by Sam Esmail, follows the story of Lance Dunkquist, a fame-obsessed man who looks like Hollywood star James Jansen. 埃夫隆将扮演这两个角色,目标是不惜一切代价在好莱坞大放异彩。 Efron will portray both characters, with the goal of making it big in Hollywood no matter the cost.