印度拉克沙威群岛计划大幅改善旅游业,增加 Fly19、Spice Jet 和 Indigo Airlines 飞往阿加蒂岛的航班运营,从而推动机场扩建。 Lakshadweep Islands in India plan major tourism improvement with increased flight operations to Agatti Island by Fly19, Spice Jet, and Indigo Airlines, prompting airport expansion.
位于印度海岸的拉克沙群岛正在经历重大转变,政府旨在通过实施重大项目来促进旅游业发展。 Lakshadweep islands, located off the coast of India, are undergoing a significant transformation as the administration aims to boost tourism by implementing major projects. 其中包括通过增加更多运营飞往阿加蒂岛的航班的航空公司来改善连通性、斥资 450 亿卢比(6 亿美元)扩建机场并在米尼科伊岛建设新的格林菲尔德机场。 This includes improving connectivity by adding more airlines operating flights to Agatti Island, expanding the airport with a Rs 4,500 crore ($600 million) expansion, and building a new Greenfield airport on Minicoy Island. 塔塔集团已提议在苏赫利岛、米尼科伊岛和卡德马特岛建设三个主要的泰姬陵度假村,每个度假村均拥有 100 多个房间,可容纳游客。 Tata Group has proposed three major Taj resorts on Suheli, Minicoy, and Kadmat islands, with over 100 rooms each to accommodate tourists. 这些项目旨在增强该地区的旅游业,并将拉克沙群岛纳入全球旅游版图。 The projects aim to enhance tourism in the region and put the Lakshadweep islands on the global tourism map.