吉他英雄们合作制作了一张由 54 名吉他手参与的慈善唱片。 Guitar heroes collaborate for a charity record featuring 54 guitarists.
《可怕海峡》明星马克·诺普弗勒 (Mark Knopfler) 联合了布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀 (Bruce Springsteen)、埃里克·克莱普顿 (Eric Clapton) 和大卫·吉尔莫 (David Gilmour) 等世界知名吉他手,录制了一张慈善唱片,以支持青少年癌症信托基金 (Teenage Cancer Trust) 和青少年癌症美国 (Teen Cancer America)。 Dire Straits star Mark Knopfler has united world-renowned guitarists, including Bruce Springsteen, Eric Clapton, and David Gilmour, for a charity record to support the Teenage Cancer Trust and Teen Cancer America. 该乐队被称为“吉他英雄”,其中还包括 Pete Townshend、Slash、Sir Brian May 和 Joan Armatrading 等音乐家的贡献。 The group, known as Guitar Heroes, also features contributions from musicians such as Pete Townshend, Slash, Sir Brian May, and Joan Armatrading. 这首长达 9 分钟的曲目由超过 54 名吉他手录制,其中包括 The Who 乐队的口琴手 Roger Daltrey、贝斯手 Sting 和鼓手 Ringo Starr。 The nine-minute track comprises recordings from over 54 guitarists, including The Who's Roger Daltrey on harmonica, Sting on bass, and Ringo Starr on drums. 器乐作品以已故吉他手杰夫·贝克的最后一张唱片开始。 The instrumental piece begins with the last recording of late guitarist Jeff Beck.