前 NBA 球员斯科特·波拉德因心脏衰弱而在范德比尔特大学医学中心等待心脏移植手术。 Former NBA player Scot Pollard awaits a heart transplant at Vanderbilt University Medical Center for a weakened heart.
斯科特·波拉德 (Scot Pollard) 是一名前 NBA 球员,也是《幸存者》节目的参赛者,由于心脏衰弱,目前正在医院等待心脏移植手术。 Scot Pollard, a former NBA player and contestant on Survivor, is currently in the hospital awaiting a heart transplant due to a weakened heart. 他被送往范德比尔特大学医学中心,并将一直留在那里,直到找到心脏足够大以支撑他身体的合适捐赠者。 He was admitted to the Vanderbilt University Medical Center and will remain there until a suitable donor with a heart large enough to support his body is found. 波拉德的父亲在他 16 岁时去世,享年 54 岁,他说这给人们敲响了警钟,让人们意识到与身高相关的潜在健康问题。 Pollard's father died at 54 when he was 16, which he said served as a wake-up call for the potential health issues associated with being tall.