包括加拿大学者 Wendy Wong 的《我们,数据》在内的五本书入围 5 万美元的加拿大莱昂内尔·盖尔伯国际事务奖,获奖者名单于 3 月 6 日公布。 Five books, including Canadian scholar Wendy Wong's "We, the Data," are shortlisted for the $50k Canadian Lionel Gelber Prize on international affairs, with the winner announced on Mar 6.
研究技术和经济的作品入围了 2023 年莱昂内尔·盖尔伯奖 (Lionel Gelber Bible) 的决赛,该奖是加拿大颁发给国际事务书籍的奖项,价值 5 万美元。 Works examining technology and the economy are among the finalists for the 2023 Lionel Gelber Prize, a Canadian award for books on international affairs worth $50,000. 获胜者将于 3 月 6 日公布。 The winner will be announced on March 6. 加拿大学者温迪·黄(Wendy Wong)的《我们,数据:数字时代的人权》入围决赛,其他入围作品还有达伦·阿西莫格鲁(Daron Acemoglu)和西蒙·约翰逊(Simon Johnson)的《权力与进步:我们对技术和繁荣的 1000 年斗争》、《七次崩溃:哈罗德·詹姆斯的《塑造全球化的经济危机》,以及亨利·法雷尔和亚伯拉罕·纽曼的《地下帝国:美国如何武器化世界经济》。 Canadian scholar Wendy Wong's "We, the Data: Human rights in the digital age" is among the finalists, along with "Power and Progress: Our 1000-year struggle over technology and prosperity" by Daron Acemoglu and Simon Johnson, "Seven Crashes: The economic crises that shaped globalization" by Harold James, and "Underground Empire: How America weaponized the world economy" by Henry Farrell and Abraham Newman.