美国女孩和迪士尼合作推出了以爱丽儿、蒂安娜和灰姑娘为主角的公主娃娃系列。 American Girl and Disney partner for a princess doll collection featuring Ariel, Tiana, and Cinderella.
美国女孩和迪士尼合作推出了一系列以爱丽儿、蒂安娜和灰姑娘为主角的公主娃娃。 American Girl and Disney have partnered to release a collection of princess dolls featuring Ariel, Tiana, and Cinderella. 该系列包括 18 英寸娃娃、标志性连衣裙、时尚配饰以及用于讲故事和玩耍的其他服装和配饰。 The collection includes 18-inch dolls, signature dresses, fashion accessories, and additional outfits and accessories for storytelling and play. 美国女孩还计划在今年晚些时候推出《冰雪奇缘》主题玩偶,包括安娜和艾莎。 American Girl also plans to release "Frozen"-themed dolls, including Anna and Elsa, later this year.