AM Best 授予 Cigna Group 高级无抵押票据“bbb+”长期评级,前景稳定。 AM Best assigns "bbb+" long-term ratings with stable outlook to Cigna Group's senior unsecured notes.
信用评级机构 AM Best 授予 Cigna Group 最近发行的高级无抵押票据“bbb+”的长期发行信用评级,展望稳定。 AM Best, a credit rating agency, has assigned long-term issue credit ratings of "bbb+" with a stable outlook to The Cigna Group's recently issued senior unsecured notes. 这些票据以多种面额发行,预计将用于一般公司用途,包括偿还即将到期的债务和要约收购。 The notes were issued in multiple denominations and are expected to be used for general corporate purposes, including paying down upcoming debt maturities and tender offers. 信诺的长期发行人信用评级及其保险子公司的评级保持不变。 Cigna's long-term issuer credit rating and the ratings of its insurance subsidiaries remain unchanged.