Tellurian 的股价飙升 33.5%,因该公司计划出售其上游业务以减少债务并支持 Driftwood LNG 项目开发。 Tellurian's shares surged 33.5% as it plans to sell its upstream business to reduce debt and support Driftwood LNG project development.
天然气公司 Tellurian 宣布计划出售其上游业务后,该公司股价上涨 33.5%。 Shares of Tellurian, a natural gas company, increased by 33.5% after the company announced plans to potentially sell its upstream business. 此举被视为减少债务并提供额外现金以支持 Driftwood 液化天然气项目开发的一种方式。 This move is seen as a way to reduce debt and provide additional cash to support the development of the Driftwood LNG project. 该项目已被推迟,旨在将路易斯安那州查尔斯湖的液化天然气设施商业化。 The project, which has experienced delays, aims to commercialize the liquefied natural gas facility in Lake Charles, Louisiana.