Midland States Bancorp 任命杰拉尔德·卡尔森 (Gerald Carlson) 为其董事会成员,此举旨在加强对圣路易斯市场的扩张。 Midland States Bancorp appoints Gerald Carlson to its Board of Directors, a move aimed at bolstering expansion into the St. Louis market.
Midland States Bancorp 已任命杰拉尔德·卡尔森 (Gerald Carlson) 为其董事会成员。 Midland States Bancorp has appointed Gerald Carlson to its Board of Directors. 此次增加使董事总数达到 11 名,其中 10 名独立董事。 This addition brings the total number of directors to 11, with 10 of them being classified as independent. 该公司相信,卡尔森在圣路易斯市场度过了他职业生涯的大部分时间,他在圣路易斯市场的丰富经验将帮助他们扩大业务并在该地区发展。 The company believes that Carlson's extensive experience in the St. Louis market, where he spent a significant part of his career, will help them expand their presence and grow in the region.