爱荷华州橄榄球队聘请蒂姆·莱斯特作为新的进攻协调员,以加强进攻性和纪律性。 Iowa's football team hires Tim Lester as new offensive coordinator to enhance aggressive and disciplined offense.
由于蒂姆·莱斯特拥有丰富的执教经验,柯克·费伦茨教练聘请了蒂姆·莱斯特作为爱荷华州的新进攻协调员。 Coach Kirk Ferentz hired Tim Lester as Iowa's new offensive coordinator due to his wide range of coaching experiences. 莱斯特的任务是改善该国最严重的犯罪行为之一。 Lester's task is to improve one of the worst offenses in the country. 莱斯特的方法将包括建立一支身体强健、纪律严明、富有侵略性的进攻体系。 Lester's approach will involve building a physical, disciplined, and aggressive offense. 他取代了柯克的儿子布莱恩·费伦茨,为爱荷华州的传统比赛风格带来了新的视角和相似之处。 He replaces Brian Ferentz, Kirk's son, and brings a combination of new perspectives and similarities to Iowa's traditional style of play.