克雷格·大卫在爱情岛别墅表演,引人兴奋,并回忆起安东 2019 年的情绪反应。 Craig David performs at Love Island villa, drawing excitement and reminiscing Anton's emotional reaction from 2019.
克雷格·大卫的表演让超级粉丝安东泪流满面,四年后,克雷格·大卫回到爱情岛别墅进行 VIP 表演。 Four years after making superfan Anton break down in tears with his performance, Craig David returns to the Love Island villa for a VIP performance. 岛民们都很兴奋,安东满怀期待地喊着克雷格·大卫的名字。 The islanders are excited, with Anton screaming Craig David's name in anticipation. 回顾 2019 年,克雷格·大卫 (Craig David) 在别墅的首次表演中,安东流下了喜悦的泪水。 In a flashback to 2019, Anton is seen crying tears of joy during Craig David's first performance in the villa.