密苏里大学体育系收到 6200 万美元的匿名捐款,用于纪念体育场翻修和老虎基金项目改进。 The University of Missouri athletic department receives a $62M anonymous donation for Memorial Stadium renovations and Tiger Fund program improvements.
密苏里大学体育系收到一位匿名捐助者破纪录的 6200 万美元捐款。 The University of Missouri athletic department has received a record-breaking $62 million donation from an anonymous donor. 这笔资金的很大一部分将用于纪念体育场的翻修,超过了 2012 年创下的纪录。 The funds, a significant portion of which will be used for Memorial Stadium renovations, surpass the previous record set in 2012. 5000 万美元专门用于体育场的升级改造,以及老虎基金计划的进一步改进。 $50 million is dedicated to upgrades in the stadium, with additional improvements to the Tiger Fund program. 这笔 6200 万美元的捐赠为纪念体育场的改造铺平了道路,旨在营造美国最好的大学橄榄球比赛日氛围。 The $62 million gift paves the way for the transformation of Memorial Stadium, aiming to create the best college football game-day atmosphere in the U.S.