NBA 全明星周末将采用先进的 LED 球场进行技能比赛。 NBA All-Star weekend to feature advanced LED court for skills competitions.
NBA 将在卢卡斯石油体育场举行的一些全明星周末活动期间使用最先进的全视频 LED 球场。 The NBA is set to use a state-of-the-art, full video LED court during some All-Star weekend events at Lucas Oil Stadium. 斯蒂芬·库里和萨布丽娜·约内斯库之间的技能大赛、三分球大赛、扣篮大赛以及投篮对决将于2月17日在玻璃地板上进行,名人赛将于2月16日举行。 The skills competition, 3-point contest, slam dunk competition, and shooting matchup between Stephen Curry and Sabrina Ionescu will take place on the glass floor on February 17, as will the celebrity game on February 16. 2 月 18 日的实际全明星赛仍将在木制球场上举行。 The actual All-Star Game itself on February 18 will remain on a wooden court. 由 ASB GlassFloor 开发的球场已用于各种活动,并提供增强的交互式图形和可定制的设计功能。 The court developed by ASB GlassFloor has been used in various events and provides enhanced interactive graphics and customizable design features.