前特朗普官员迈克·吉尔去世。 Ex-Trump Official Mike Gill has passed away.
前特朗普政府官员迈克尔·吉尔在华盛顿特区的一次劫车狂潮中被枪杀。吉尔曾在美国商品期货交易委员会任职,他在车内被枪杀,随后伤势危急。 A former Trump administration official, Michael Gill, has died after being shot during a carjacking spree in Washington, D.C. Gill, who served at the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, was shot while inside a car and subsequently left in critical condition. 犯罪嫌疑人阿泰尔·坎宁安 (Artell Cunningham) 徒步逃跑,试图劫持另一人,但未遂,据称还杀害了另一名男子。 The suspect, Artell Cunningham, fled on foot and failed in an attempt to carjack another person, before allegedly killing another man. 坎宁安后来被警察开枪拘留,但在医院死亡。 Cunningham was later shot by police and taken into custody, but died at the hospital.