亚基马的仓库剧院 (Warehouse Theatre) 首次举办百老汇授权的喜剧《书呆子》(The NERD),这部喜剧讲述了威勒姆的救世主因其对社会的无知而制造混乱。 Warehouse Theatre in Yakima hosts the debut of "The NERD" by Broadway Licensing, a comedy where Willum's savior creates chaos with his social unawareness.
一部喜剧将在亚基马的仓库剧院上演,由百老汇授权有限公司 (Broadway Licensing, LLC) 主演的《书呆子》为特色。 A comedy comes to the Warehouse Theatre in Yakima, featuring "The NERD" by Broadway Licensing, LLC. 该剧讲述了一个搞笑的故事,威勒姆的救世主原来是一个社交无知、不圆滑的人,给他的生活带来了混乱。 The play presents a hilarious story where Willum's savior turns out to be a socially ignorant and tactless person, causing chaos in his life. 该活动是通过百老汇授权的特别安排举办的,为在剧院的首演做准备。 The event is presented through special arrangement with Broadway Licensing, preparing for its debut at the theatre.