由于需求不断增长且销售额增长超过 10%,Wagamama 连锁餐厅计划在英国开设 10 家新店,创造约 500 个就业岗位。 Wagamama restaurant chain plans to open 10 new UK locations, creating about 500 jobs, due to rising demand and sales increase of over 10%.
英国Wagamama连锁餐厅计划在英国开设10家新分店,创造约500个就业岗位。 Britain's Wagamama restaurant chain is planning to open 10 new branches in the UK, creating about 500 jobs. 该公司正在响应不断增长的需求,新餐厅将位于格拉斯哥、埃普瑟姆、唐卡斯特、查塔姆和沃特福德等城市。 The company is responding to growing demand and the new restaurants will be in cities such as Glasgow, Epsom, Doncaster, Chatham, and Watford. 截至8月份的半年里,Wagamama的销售额与去年同期相比增长了10%以上。 Wagamama's sales have increased by over 10% in the half-year to August compared to the same period a year earlier. 该连锁店于 10 月被美国私募股权公司 Apollo 收购。 The chain was acquired by Apollo, a US private equity firm, in October.