带广的巴内赛场比赛以慢节奏的马拉雪橇为特色,在日本北海道吸引了新的粉丝。 Obihiro's Banei Keiba races, featuring slow-paced horse sleighs, draw new fans in Japan's Hokkaido.
在日本北部北海道的带广市,Banei Keiba 比赛吸引了新的粉丝,他们喜欢世界上最慢的赛马比赛不可预测的停停戏剧。 In Obihiro, a city in northern Japan's Hokkaido, the Banei Keiba races have drawn new fans who enjoy the unpredictable stop-and-start drama of the world's slowest horse race. 这些肌肉发达的驮马以人类轻快的步伐移动,拉着沉重的雪橇,这一传统可以追溯到一个多世纪前。 The muscular workhorses, moving at the pace of a brisk human walk, pull heavy sleighs in a tradition that dates back over a century. 这些比赛由八名马匹参赛者组成,他们在 200 米跑道上的两个土墩上奋力拼搏,中途休息喘口气,并在观众中制造悬念。 These races feature eight equine competitors that power over two mounds on the 200-meter track, taking breaks to catch their breath and creating suspense among spectators.