《纽卡斯尔先驱报》报道了芬格尔湾失踪的渔民、猎人湿地中心的白鹭、讨论马尔科姆·纳登案件的播客主持人以及梅特兰医院地点的不确定性。 Missing fisherman at Fingal Bay, egrets at Hunter Wetlands Centre, podcast host discussing Malcolm Naden case, and uncertainty over Maitland Hospital site are covered by Newcastle Herald.
纽卡斯尔先驱报为您带来来自纽卡斯尔、猎人地区及其他地区的突发新闻事件、交通和旅行的实时更新。 Newcastle Herald brings you live updates from breaking news incidents, traffic and travel from across Newcastle, the Hunter Region, and beyond. 正在进行的著名故事包括芬格尔湾失踪的渔民、猎人湿地中心失踪的白鹭、播客主持人反思对马尔科姆·纳登案件首席侦探的采访,以及梅特兰医院旧址未来的不确定性。 Notable ongoing stories include a missing fisherman at Fingal Bay, missing egrets at the Hunter Wetlands Centre, a podcast host reflecting on an interview with the lead detective on the Malcolm Naden case, and uncertainty over the future of the old Maitland Hospital site. 记者致力于让社区了解这些和其他当地事务的最新情况。 Journalists work to keep the community updated on these and other local matters.