作为削减成本措施的一部分,法国兴业银行计划裁员 947 人,其中占总行员工的 5%。 French bank Societe Generale plans to cut 947 jobs, 5% of its head office staff, as part of cost-cutting measures.
作为成本削减计划的一部分,法国兴业银行计划裁员 947 人,其中占总行员工的 5%。 French bank Societe Generale plans to cut 947 jobs, 5% of its head office staff, as part of its cost-cutting program. 该银行的目标是到 2026 年,在不强制离职的情况下,与 2022 年相比,减少 17 亿欧元的成本,并已提交与员工代表机构协商。 The bank aims to reduce costs by €1.7 billion by 2026 compared to 2022 without forced departures and submitted for consultation with staff representative bodies. 在此之前,德意志银行和花旗集团等其他全球银行也采取了类似行动,在利率放缓的情况下寻求减少员工数量。 This move follows similar actions by other global banks, such as Deutsche Bank and Citigroup, as they seek to reduce headcount amid slowing interest rates.