爱丁堡警察 K-9 Kira,3 岁,于 2 月 1 日在训练中生病后死于肺炎和感染,于 2022 年加入部队,以恢复该镇的警犬计划。 Edinburgh Police K-9 Kira, 3, died of pneumonia and infection after falling ill during training on February 1st, joining the force in 2022 to revive the town's police dog program.
爱丁堡警察 K-9 基拉 (Kira) 于 2 月 1 日在例行训练演习中生病后去世。 Edinburgh Police K-9, Kira, passed away after falling ill during a routine training exercise on February 1. 这只三岁的比利时玛利诺犬被诊断出患有肺炎和感染,但尽管经过治疗,她还是于 2 月 4 日去世。 The three-year-old Belgian Malinois was diagnosed with pneumonia and an infection but despite treatment, she passed away on February 4. 基拉 (Kira) 于 2022 年加入爱丁堡警察局,帮助该镇恢复警犬计划,该计划几十年来一直没有警犬计划。 Kira joined the Edinburgh Police in 2022, helping to revive the town's police dog program after decades without one.