布莱德利·库珀因在 Netflix 的《大师》中饰演伦纳德·伯恩斯坦而于 2 月 8 日在第 39 届圣巴巴拉国际电影节上获得年度杰出演员奖。 Bradley Cooper to receive Outstanding Performer of the Year Award at the 39th Santa Barbara International Film Festival on Feb 8 for his portrayal of Leonard Bernstein in Netflix's Maestro.
获得奥斯卡提名的明星兼《大师》导演布莱德利·库珀将在第 39 届圣巴巴拉国际电影节上获奖。 Bradley Cooper, the Oscar-nominated star and director of Maestro, will be honored at the 39th Santa Barbara International Film Festival. 库珀将于 2 月 8 日在阿灵顿剧院举行的活动中获得年度杰出表演者奖。 Cooper will receive the Outstanding Performer of the Year Award on February 8 at an event held at the Arlington Theatre. 这一奖项是为了表彰他在 Netflix 的《大师》中对伦纳德·伯恩斯坦 (Leonard Bernstein) 的出色演绎。 This accolade is in recognition of his outstanding portrayal of Leonard Bernstein in Netflix's Maestro.