都市传说声称 888-888-8888 电话号码与悲剧有关,三起报道事件促使移动公司停止分配该号码;没有具体证据,但被视为警示故事。 Urban legend claims 888-888-8888 phone number links to tragedy, three reported incidents prompted mobile company to stop assigning it; no concrete evidence, but deemed cautionary tale.
有一个带有一系列数字的电话号码 888-888-8888,被称为“末日数字”,它与许多不幸有关。 There is a phone number with the series of digits 888-888-8888, known as the "Digits of Doom," that has been linked to numerous misfortunes. 获得这个电话号码后,三名接收者都遭遇神秘疾病或暴力死亡。 Following the acquisition of this phone number, its three recipients all faced mysterious illnesses or violent deaths. 这种神秘的情况,加上电话公司决定不发布这个号码,导致了一个持续的谜团。 The mysterious circumstances, along with the phone company's decision not to issue this number, have led to an ongoing mystery.