一艘载有 30 名海地移民的船只在皮尔斯堡湾搁浅;所有移民均被执法部门拘留,不会对社区构成危险。 A 30-migrant Haitian vessel ran aground in Fort Pierce Inlet; all migrants were taken into custody by law enforcement, posing no danger to the community.
周六,一艘载有约 30 名海地移民的船只在皮尔斯堡湾搁浅。 A vessel carrying around 30 Haitian migrants ran aground in Fort Pierce Inlet on Saturday. 皮尔斯堡警方表示,所有移民均被多个执法机构拘留,其中包括联邦官员和圣露西县治安官办公室。 The Fort Pierce police stated that all migrants were taken into custody by multiple law enforcement agencies, including federal officials and the St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office. 周围社区没有危险。 There is no danger to the surrounding community. 皮尔斯堡警方没有公布有关移民或船只的进一步信息。 The Fort Pierce police did not release further information about the migrants or the vessel.